Rule Criteria Expressions

The fields displayed in the Rule Criteria window depend on the type of rule you are creating. For example, work order fields display for work order rules, and asset fields display for asset rules. If criteria have been previously defined, they will display on the left side of the window.

For each field, prompts are provided to create a logical expression to define the criteria for your rule. As with this example from a work order rule, each expression that is used to define the criteria has three parts.

  • The field on which the expression will be based

  • The value that the expression must meet

  • The field that defines the relationship between the field and the value. This field can also be thought of as determining how the field will be evaluated.

The options that are available in the fields and the choices available for the value depend on the type of field. Maintenance Connection provides you with logical choices dependent on the field type.

Examples and instructions for each field type are in the sections that follow:

  • Text fields: The majority of fields in the system are text fields that contain text or character data. Text field examples include: Reason, Procedure, Department, Asset Name, and so on. Some text fields are validated and can only have specific values (such as Priority or Department), while others allow free form entry (such as reason/description, Model, and Serial #).

  • Numeric fields: Numeric fields contain only numeric data. Numeric field examples include: Cost, Price, Meter Readings, and Assignment Hours.

  • Date fields: Date fields contain only properly formatted dates. Date field examples include: Target Date, Warranty Expiration Date, Assignment Date, and so on.

  • Indicators/check box fields: Indicators are fields that have a yes or no value, typically marked through check boxes on the data entry screens. Indicators that have been selected have yes values. In the Rule Criteria window, indicator fields have a question mark (?) at the end of the field name. Examples of indicators include: Assigned?, Open?, Warranty?, Printed/Emailed?, and so on.